So you are so excited to go for a trip to Caribbean and the Bermuda Triangle part attracts you most. You are already know a little about the Theories Behind the Mystery of Bermuda Triangle. When
you look deeper into most of the cases, though, they’re much less
mysterious. Either they were never in the area to begin with, they were
actually found, or there’s a reasonable explanation for their
disappearance. There are bizarre theories like aliens and space portals
as well as the mundane explanations. Some Scientists have also
documented deviations from the norm in the area and have found some
interesting formations on the seafloor within the Bermuda Triangle’s
boundaries. So for those who wants to believe in it, here you go -
Location of the Area – Bermuda Triangle
Before going further lets have a look to this area for your safe
adventure. It is located off the Southeastern coast of the United
States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its apexes in the vicinities of
Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It covers roughly
500,000 square miles.
1. Human Error – An error by pilots and sailors
no one admits his or her mistakes…but we all do it and we know it, and
pilots and sailors are no exception. The Bermuda Triangle’s tropical
weather and crystal blue water make it prime aviation stomping ground
for everyone from veteran pilots to Navy sailors to amateurs looking to
play around. There’s a lot of traffic in the area, and when you add in
the turbulent weather patterns, swift currents and a landscape composed
of a lot of similar-looking islands, it can be really easy to lose one’s
2. Magnetic Variation – Compass Malfunction
theory, proposed by the Coast Guard over 30 years ago, states: “The
majority of disappearances can be attributed to the area’s unique
environmental features. First, the “Devil’s Triangle” is one of the two
places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north.
Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two
is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as
much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass
variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find
himself far off course and in deep trouble.
3. Electronic Fog or Time Wrap
theory came into existence from a single incident. In 1970, Floridian
pilot Bruce Gernon and his father were en route from Andros Island to
Bimini Island in the Bahamas when they came across a strange cloud that
they say grew exponentially before morphing into a tunnel. He flew into
that rotating vortex, he says, only to emerge in a thick “electronic
fog” with a white haze surrounding the plane. His compass spun wildly
and electrical sparks surrounded him. When the fog finally broke up,
Gernon says he found himself miles away from where he expected to be –
and much farther than he could have traveled in that time, leading him
to believe he had passed through a time travel tunnel.
4. Methane Gas Hydrates
of the most interesting scientific theories for the disappearance of
ships in the Triangle was proposed by an American geochemist- Dr.
Richard McIver. According to him Deep beneath the surface of the Bermuda
Triangle lie pockets of trapped methane gas, just waiting to be
unlocked by seismic activity or underwater landslides. If unleashed, the
theory goes, this methane gas could bubble to the surface, reducing the
density of the water. Any ship in that patch of water would lose its
buoyancy and sink perilously. It gets worse: In theory, if enough of the
flammable gas bubbled up to the surface and got high, high, high up
into the air, it could potentially stall an airplane engine or even be
ignited by an engine’s spark. It’s important to note that the Bermuda
Triangle is far from the only place on the planet where methane hydrates
exist – it’s not even the area with the highest concentration – but it
is possible that these hydrates could pose a threat.
this weird UFO theory is also important to know before your travel to
Bermuda because when you are in trouble, you have full rights to blame
aliens in their flying saucers. Although their motives are unclear, it
has been suggested that aliens have chosen the Bermuda Triangle as a
point at which to capture and abduct for unknown purposes. Aside from
the lack of evidence for this theory, we have to wonder why the aliens
would take whole aircraft and ships – some of considerable size. Why not
just abduct the occupants in the same way they are said to take people
from their homes or in offices ? May be the Bermuda triangle is
their territory for their R& D Unit for Earth operations and when
someone enters there, they get upset.
6. Submerged city of Atlantis
you believe Atlantis once lay deep beneath the Bermuda Triangle argue
that the remnants of the intense energy crystals that were once used to
fuel the city are now interfering with airplane and ship electronics,
causing them to go haywire. Dr. Ray Brown in 1970 while scuba diving
near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas. Brown says that he came upon a
pyramid-like structure with a smooth, mirror-like stone finish. Swimming
inside, he found the interior to be completely free of coral and algae,
and was illuminated by some unknown light source. In the center was a
sculpture of human hands holding a four-inch crystal sphere, above which
was suspended a red gem at the end of a brass rod.
Well, if it is so then where are the pics??
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